IFS Couples & Individuals sessions

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a deeply transformative and healing modality for getting to root issues underlying life challenges. It maintains that the human mind experiences multiplicity and that during the many events in our early childhood experiences, we divide parts of ourselves into different roles. These Parts are aspects of our true selves and in order to heal, they need care and attention from us and those with whom we share intimate relationships.

Being neurodivergent allows Diana to intuitively grasp diverse ways of thinking and perceiving. Clients who identify as neurodivergent, autistic, and ADHD report feeling deeply understood and heard by Diana. There is a quality of genuine acceptance and receptivity to Diana’s work with clients, bringing a sense of inclusivity, validation, and normalcy to those who often carry a lifetime burden of negative internalized messaging due to our ableist culture.

Diana supports couples in exploring and understanding their Parts with the presence of their partners, with an intention of unburdening past hurts, habits, and self-rejection through mutual compassion and understanding. In couples sessions, each partner has the chance to learn about the other’s internal systems, which when met with empathy and care, encourages and deepens intimacy.

For more in-depth information about IFS, please go to: www.ifs-institute.com.


Diana has limited openings. For more information, please send your inquiry to Contact@DianaNadeau.com or click the following link: contact


$90 per hour for individuals, $92.00 per hour for couples